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Graduation Requirements

Graduates must meet: 

  1. Credit Requirements
  2. High School & Beyond Plan Requirements; and
  3. Graduation Pathway Requirements (see options below)

Graduation Pathway Requirement Options

  • Smarter Balanced Assessment

    To meet this graduation pathway option, students need to earn at least the graduation score on the high school English Language Arts (ELA) and Maths Smarter Balanced Assessment of:


    • Score on ELA—2548
    • Score on maths—2595


    WA-AIM (Washington Access to Instruction & Measurement)

    The WA-AIM is designed for student with significant cognitive challenges. If determined to be appropriate by their Individualized Education Program (IEP) team, students with an IEP may meet this graduation pathway option with the WA-AIM state assessment. The graduation scores identified by the State Board of Education (in August 2015) for the WA-AIM are:


    • Score on ELA—104 
    • Score on math--103
  • Students must earn at least one high school credit in English and one high school credit in maths to meet this graduation pathway option. Dual credit courses that qualify for this pathway are courses that meet core high school graduation credit in English and maths, and that allow students to earn college credit at the 100-level or higher (the college course number must be 100 or higher). Dual credit programs include:


    • College in the High School
    • Running Start
    • Career and Technical Education (CTE) Dual Credit


    Students do not have to pay fees or claim college credit to meet this pathway, but they must meet the state or local program criteria or articulation agreement requirements (such as earning a particular grade). For CTE dual credit courses to meet this pathway requirement, the course must have a state or local course equivalency to meet high school subject area graduation requirements in English or maths.

  • To meet this graduation pathway option, the student must pass specified courses with a C+ (2.3) grade or higher in AP; or pass the associated assessment at a specified level. Students must pass at least one course or exam in English language arts and one course or exam in maths.


    Advanced Placement

    • The AP courses that meet this option in English language arts are:
      • English Language and Composition
      • English Literature and Composition
      • Macroeconomics
      • Psychology
      • United States History
      • United States Government and Politics
    • The AP courses that meet this option in maths are:
      • Statistics
      • Calculus


    Students must earn a C+ (2.3) grade or higher each term in one of these courses, or score a 3 or higher on the exam associated with these courses.

  • To meet this pathway, students need to earn at least the graduation score established by the Board on the SAT and ACT. It is recommended that students take these tests with the writing option since some institutions of higher education require the tests with writing for admissions.


    SAT and ACT scores
    Pathway Option SAT (Writing optional)   ACT with Writing ACT (no Writing)
    Maths 430   16 16
    English Language Arts 410   14 N/A
  • For the purposes of graduation pathway options, transition courses are English and maths courses that, based on their final grade, allow students to place directly into credit-bearing college-level courses (courses with college course numbers of 100 or above), as based on policies and criteria of school districts and applicable institutions of higher education. The Bridge to College courses are transition courses. Other courses may qualify based on local placement agreements between districts and higher education entities. Transition courses must meet core high school graduation requirements in English and maths.


    MLHS Transition Courses

    MLHS Math Course


    *Algebra 2A or Algebra 2B

    D or better

    Bridge to College B

    B or better

    *Bridge to College B

    D or better

    *PreCalculus A or PreCalculus B

    D or better

    *Consumer Finance

    D or better

    *Financial Algebra

    D or better

    *Applied Statistics

    D or better


    MLHS English Course


    Acc English 9 B


    Acc English 10 B

    B or better

    English 10 B

    B or better

    English 11 B

    C+ or better

    English 12 B

    C+ or better

    AP English B

    C+ or better


  • To meet the ASVAB graduation pathway option, students must meet the minimum score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) to be eligible to serve in a branch of the armed services at the time the student takes the test. The AFQT is a component of the ASVAB (not a separate test). Satisfying this graduation pathway option meets requirements in both English and maths. 

    Score: 31

  • A student may meet this graduation pathway option by completing a sequence of CTE courses, which align with the student’s High School and Beyond Plan. Satisfying this graduation pathway option meets requirements in both English and maths. A course that is used as part of a CTE sequence may also be used to meet subject area graduation requirements in CTE or in other subject areas through CTE course equivalencies.

    Complete a 2-credit sequence of courses that meet the following minimum criteria:


    • Lead to a state or nationally recognized certificate or credential, or allow students to earn dual credit through CTE Dual Credit, Advanced Placement, or other agreement or program. 
    • Be comprised of a sequenced progression of multiple courses that are technically intensive and rigorous. 
    • Lead to workforce entry, a state or nationally approved apprenticeship, or postsecondary education in a related field.
    • The sequence of courses may be in a single CTE program area, or in more than one program area.


    If the sequence of courses is in more than one program area, it must be approved by:


    • A local school board or designee, or a local district CTE advisory committee, and
    • By OSPI through an expedited approval process, whereby the sequence would be deemed approved if the district does not receive a response from OSPI within 45 calendar days.