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Counseling Center

MLHS Counseling Team Vision

Our vision is that 100% of students will attain their maximum potential in the areas of academic achievement, personal development, and college/career readiness through data-driven programs. All students participate in a rigorous curriculum and high-quality opportunities for self-directed personal growth. This will be supported by a comprehensive school counseling program that facilitates strategic partnerships between the school, family, and community.

One-on-one College & Career Support

Sign Up


  • Get Current Transcripts

    Current students can immediately view unofficial transcripts and send official transcripts through their Schoolinks account.

    1. Go to
    2. Click "Log in with Google Account"
    3. On the left side of your Schoolinks click "School"
    4. Scroll down and click "Records Request"
    5. Click "Download Unofficial Transcript" or Click "Send Official Transcript"
  • Moses Lake School District has partnered with Parchment to help assist our K12 Student Record Management. With this system, current students, alumni or third parties can securely setup an account and request the records they need. 


    An Easy, Reliable Order Process

    In three simple steps: order, review and fulfill, K12 administrators can manage all of the requests they get for official records. As the leader in eTranscripts, Parchment's student record management system has evolved to support every record type you need.


    Order Credentials from Parchment

School Counselors & Support Staff

Enrique Tarver (College and Career Counselor) – Click Here to Schedule an Appointment (509) 766-2666 ext. 40131


Counselors are determined by the student's last name


Patty Holloway (A - CL) - Click Here to Schedule an Appointment (509) 766-2666 ext. 40142


Norma Gonzalez (Cm-Gon) - Click Here to Schedule an Appointment (509)766-2666 ext. 40137


Karina Escamilla Garza (Goo-LL)- Click Here to Schedule an Appointment (509) 766-2666 ext. 40141


Amber Sansom (Lm-O) - Click Here to Schedule an Appointment (509) 766-2666 ext. 40140


Lilia Hueso (P-Sh) - Click Here to Schedule an Appointment (509) 766-2666 ext. 40138


Krista Philen (Si-Z) - Click Here to Schedule an Appointment (509) 766-2666 ext. 40136

Bettina Tate

Counseling Center Secretary

(509) 766-2666 ext. 40130

fax: (509) 766-2681


Kelsi Weber


(509) 766-2666 ext. 41134

fax: (509) 766-2681


Student Assistance Professional


Leigh Allison Ray

(509) 766-2666 ext. 40132


School Psychologists


Jenny Arlt  (A-G) 

Preston Ham (H-O)

Leandra Shaver (P-Z)