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Health Information / Medication Forms

Medication Forms
Please use the following forms to take to your physician if your student has Asthma, Allergies, or will need other Prescription Medication during the school year.
**ALL FORMS ARE REQUIRED TO BE FILLED OUT PRIOR TO YOUR STUDENT STARTING SCHOOL AND OR THE START OF EVERY SCHOOL YEAR. Please do not wait until August to get these forms completed.  All other health plans will be sent home with your student the first couple weeks of the new school year.  If you get a health plan from your student, please review and sign then return to the school nurse.
Other Forms
This form is used for students who self-carry medication that is Over The Counter or Non-Prescription strength. Your student is required to have this form on file with the health room if they have any type of medication in their backpack.  Examples would include Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Tums, Midol, etc.
Este formulario se utiliza para los estudiantes que llevan consigo medicamentos de venta libre o sin receta. Se requiere que su estudiante tenga este formulario archivado en la sala de salud si tiene algún tipo de medicamento en su mochila. Los ejemplos incluirían Tylenol, Ibuprofen, Tums, Midol, etc.
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